
Thursday, May 30, 2013

Last day

Today was my last day volunteering in the school clinic. I'm not gonna lie... It was emotionally rough knowing it was the last time I'd ever be in that clinic with this nurse. She's going to be at a different school next year so we will have a brand new nurse again next year.

We got a ton of stuff accomplished today and it was a good day. It's just hard because this year has really been a turning point with the school. I've put a ton of hours into helping the clinic and I'm going to miss it. A lot. 

The kids have their class ice cream parties tomorrow and they really can't wait. One more day. I'm excited about summer but at the same time I'm panicking. 3 months of the kids at home. Eekkk. Praying for strength to get through these summer months with grace. 

This morning as I was leaving I snapped a quick photo of the cupcakes I had to bring to the school for the boys party tomorrow. I have 7 hours to myself tomorrow. I am going to do nothing. I am going to completely veg out and enjoy my last hours of freedom until late August. 

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