
Thursday, September 12, 2013

Mostly a work update (and a few birthday pics)

I figured I would do a quick update on how it's going now that I am working again. The first day I had it all together. Cleaned the house perfectly and got all clothes laid out the night before. Had a good orientation and came home and still kinda had it together. 

Today was a different story. Didn't have it all laid out and came home from work and went directly from work to pick up the kids. I didn't get a lunch (my error) today and so I had to clock out of my shift 3 minutes early so my boss didn't get in trouble. If you work 6 hours by law you have to take a lunch. I didn't realize because we were on the computer all day so I had to leave to prevent issues. Other than a nutri grain bar I had in my purse I hadn't eaten all day. 

So when I got the kids I was starving and EXHAUSTED because I didn't get much sleep and then woke up, took the kids to school and then went straight to work. After we got home I reheated some leftovers and then I FELL ASLEEP on the couch. Hard core fell asleep. I woke up 3 hours later to a destroyed house and children making a mess. Not one of my finest parenting moments I must say. 

I am still so worn out. Don't get me wrong now. I am LOVING being at a workplace again and having adult interaction and all that. But combined with the rest of my life I am not just burning the candle at both ends. I am basically breaking the candle in half and trying to melt all four ends. I know I will get the hang of it eventually. All those things take time I guess. 

I don't have any really new pics to share tonight but I do have a few random ones from the Lego party my aunt gave the boy a few weeks ago. He is obsessed with all things lego. 

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